Be Still, Just for a Moment: Self-Reflection Journaling Prompts

Be Still Mantra Magazine Article by author, Bec Martin

The power of journaling is not lost on me. I’ve had friends, mentors, and coaches sing its praises for years. I’ve read countless articles on the positive effects of journaling and I’m a sucker for purchasing cute journals, both for myself and as gifts for others. I’m even a life coach and recommend journaling to my clients. 📔 

And yet…

If I’m being honest, I’m not consistent with my own journaling practice. 

I’m not sure why. I guess part of it is the fear of somebody finding my journal, reading it and having unwanted insights into the depths of my soul and mind (assuming I was getting that deep in my journaling!), or perhaps they would ridicule me for my hopes and dreams. Not sure who this villain is, but you can never be too careful, right?

🤔 Maybe, deep down, I don’t really believe in the benefits of journaling? No, that’s not it. I truly am a believer. Turns out my reasoning is not that deep or nefarious. I just don’t know what to write! 

There are countless topics you can journal about, but I’m going to invite you to sit down, be still for a moment, and get to know yourself better.

Let’s start by taking an honest look at your life today. How happy, content, fulfilled are you? 

✨ List 5 things you absolutely love about your life. 

✨ What are 5 things you’d like to change or improve about your life? 

✨ I am happiest when I am…

✨ The time I was most proud of myself was when I…

✨ I feel most fulfilled when I’m…

✨ These activities/obligations feel like a waste of time to me…

✨ On a scale of 1-10, the quality of my life today feels like a ___. Why am I giving myself this rating? 

✨ Am I happy with my rating above? If not, what steps can I do to raise my score?

Next, let’s look at your circle of influence. 

✨ Who do I spend the most time with?  

✨ Who do I enjoy spending the most time with? Why? 

✨ What qualities do I admire in others? Are these qualities I also possess/hope to possess?  

✨ Who would I like to get to know better? How could I make this happen? 

✨ Who drains my energy, makes me feel bad about myself or life in general? 

✨ What can I do to limit the time spent with, or the influence of, those who drag me down?  

Am I following my heart? Chasing My Dreams? 

✨ What did I long to be/do when I was younger? 

✨ Did that childhood dream fade away, or do I still hope to be/do that? 

✨ What is preventing me from following my heart? 💖

✨ Who do I know that is truly following their heart and what can I learn from them? 

✨ What would my absolute perfect day look like? 

✨ And the classic, “If money were no object, what would I be doing?” 

Just for fun! 

✨ I can be any animal! Which do I choose to be and why? 

✨ What’s the coolest superpower out there? Why do I want it and what do I plan to do with it? 

✨ I can visit any place on earth. Where would I love to go?

✨ I can time travel. Am I going back in time or into the future? Where would I go and why?

Bloom with Bec journal and pens

Journaling doesn’t have to be deep, or serious even, in order to be productive. Taking pen to paper allows you to escape the reality of the world around you for a period of time. It allows you to unwind, reflect, problem solve, and to be creative. 🌻 It’s the cheapest form of therapy out there and you can do it anywhere and anytime.

So, take this as permission to pick up a new journal (yay!), maybe grab some colored pencils or markers even, and carve out some time in your day to jot down your thoughts and doodles. If any of these prompts resonate with you, write it at the top of a page and let the words begin to flow. The topics you can journal about are countless but getting to know yourself better is a really great place to begin.

Bec Martin

Bec Martin is a life and happiness coach, working primarily with women in mid-life: helping them to rediscover themselves, their passions and purpose. Her Flower Strategy ™ empowers women to create their own happiness, a pillar to her entire coaching program. She offers one-on-one as well as group coaching, hosts weekend retreats and local workshops. Bec is a wife and mother to two college aged children, has two dogs, adores flowers and resides in Wilmington, NC.

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